Textbooks in schools are pretty much gone! I haven’t seen a textbook in quite some time. Even the days of chalkboards have pretty much all dried up. Now is the time for Chromebooks, iPads, and Smartboards! However, the importance of technical support in schools is ever increasing to ensure they’re moving forward in the right direction.
Today’s generation of students aren’t focusing on books – they’ve used devices from earlier generations and want to do the same within the classroom. Now is the time to inject technology into your curriculum, but it must be done with the right technology.
What does Prawda Group offer our school?
Our technical support staff performs the functions that will ultimately affect the entire operations of your school. When something goes wrong with school technology, our support agents immediately begin interacting with the end-user to resolve the issue. No matter the issue (little or big), we will begin working on your issue in less than 15 minutes to help eliminate any downtime you may face.
The importance of technical support in schools comes into play outside of the little issues that can be addressed easily. Things such as equipment issues and software-related problems can ultimately have a large affect on the operations of the school. Through our 24/7/365 monitoring services, we can help address problems before they even arise – thus significantly decreasing downtime.
Should Our School Give Outsourcing Technical Support a Try?
Outsourced technical support services have been around for decades. Most companies have seen its importance and already integrated it into their schools as methods for reducing overhead expenses and improving the overall functionality of the school.
If you aren’t sure if outsourcing is the right method for you, we can develop an approach to where you can see the value of outsourcing for 30, 60, or 90 days. If you feel it’s a great fit, great! We’ll help do the full transition to outsourced IT services. If not a good fit and you want to stick with in-house IT support, we’ll help you transition back. Prawda Group is fully transparent and we want the best solution for all of our customers!
The Importance of Technical Support in Schools is Ever Increasing! Contact Us Today to Learn More.
Overall, the digital landscape continues to shape the educational environment. To make it easier to handle, it is a smart move to get professional IT support.
In need to technical support for your school? Contact us now at 773-696-2448 or school@prawdatechnologygroup.com.
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